Announcing the launch of Axie Infinity: Raylights Chapter 2: Garden of Friends🌸
Welcome back, fellow Raylighters!🌟
If you've been following our journey, you'll remember the buzz surrounding our last blog post where we introduced some game-changing features in Axie Infinity: Raylights. We unveiled Axie-Owner Gameplay, Biocharge, In-App Purchases (IAPs), Landowner’s Cut, and even teased the future mintable top 100 plants.
Now, we're thrilled to announce that the new Chapter 2 has officially launched, and the response from the community has been incredible! The Raylights universe has come alive with vibrant energy as old and new players have embraced this exciting new era.
In this blog post, we'll introduce four exciting topics: New Plant Variants, Launch Day Mineral & New Launch Plants, Opening lands, and upcoming competition. Let's jump in!🍀🌻
🌺 New Plant Variants
As we have now ended the Early Access period, we want to share some important updates about what lies ahead. Here's what you can expect:
Say goodbye to those pesky weeds! Many of the Chapter 1 recipes used to grow weeds will be replaced with hundreds of stunning plants, injecting fresh life into your gardening endeavors.🌸🌱
Rest assured, the weeds you've already grown in Chapter 1 will remain by your side, serving as a nostalgic reminder of your early adventures in Raylights.
These new plants can be found with any amount of mineral layers thus anyone just starting has an equal chance to get to the World Firsts as Raylights oldtimers!
💎 Launch Day Mineral & Launch Plants
Guess what? We’ll unveil launch day minerals and plants!💎🌱 Discover one of a kind mineral, Rocketrium, and embark on a limited-time journey to collect unique plants tied to specific minerals. Time is of the essence, so join the thrill before they disappear forever!
Here’s what you’ll need to know:
Rocketrium: An exclusive launch day mineral to power up the special event
12 Seasonal Plants: Explore the variety of 12 plants, each with its own mineral codes using Rocketrium.
Limited Time: You have only 48 hours to seize the opportunity and find as many launch-day plants as possible.
Mineral Associations: Each plant is tied to a specific mineral, unveiling fascinating possibilities like the Edenite plant, Aqua plant, Cofidium plant, and more.
Mineral Code Template: The mineral codes for all launch plants follow the same template, where the middle part consists of two of the minerals you are searching the launch plant for surrounded by two Rocketrium minerals (see the images below) – so you only need to guess the first and the last mineral of the 6-layer code
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of the Raylights launch day experience! Dive into the hunt for these exclusive plants and start your adventure now!
🏝️ Open Lands and Easy Access
In the spirit of community and exploration, we are opening the feature to make lands open without a password. Landowners can instead of setting a password just decide to open up their land. This means that Axie-owners can freely venture into any unlocked land and embark on exciting adventures.
With just the land coordinates, you can effortlessly access any open land. It's never been easier to dive into new adventures and forge meaningful connections in the world of Raylights.
Available community lands to visit
You have an Axie and want to play Raylights? Fantastic!✨ We reached out to our lovely community and several Landowners eagerly shared their land invitations to welcome visitors to their land!🤗 Remember, to join a land, click the link, connect your Ronin wallet and once the game opens, click “Join Land” button - easy as that! Once you have joined the land, you can start cracking mineral combinations, discovering beautiful plants, and decorating the land! If you decide to leave the current land, fear not, the progress you have and the plants and minerals you found, will stay with you to your next adventures!
☄️ Genesis Land Invitations:
Land by BinaryAssets.wen
🔮 Mystic Land Invitations:
❄️ Arctic Land Invitations:
🌳 Forest Land Invitations:
🦓 Savannah Land Invitations:
🥇 Upcoming Competition
To celebrate the exciting new chapter of Raylights, we’re kicking off a friendly competition in the near future!😉 To learn more about the competition, join our 🌻 #raylights Discord channel or follow Raylights on Twitter.
Wau, that was pretty much everything for now, but don’t you worry - the new content doesn’t end here! We are constantly bringing new content for you in the form of seasonal plants and new minerals and limited-time specialties😉💎 So keep an eye on our Discord channel and Twitter, join the discussion, and share your own thoughts and pics!💚